The FringeSpace Project

Tach Lobby Down

**** UPDATE **** **** UPDATE ****
Tach lobby is back up. No IP change surprisingly.
**** UPDATE **** **** UPDATE ****

The NovaLogic Tach lobby is offline. Evidently NL is changing things
around yet again. Here’s the announcement from their site.

“In preparation for upcoming releases of new products and services,
NovaLogic is restructuring various web servers so as to provide a more
cohesive environment. During the course of this restructuring, some
redundancy will be removed, and some favorite NovaWorld legacy
features will be revived. During this process we foresee no significant
service outages. The changes will be ongoing, and should enhance
organization and game-play. Please keep watching this Announcement
section for updates and information.”

Don’t know if that means Tach will be removed, since it could be seen
as redundant, or if they’ll keep it around. No idea, we’ll have to see.
In the meantime, you’ll get a white or blank screen when trying to get
to the lobby address. Kali still works for long distance LAN, but people
will have to agree to use it.

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